Sharon’s family portrait shoot this last weekend took place in the cosmos fields in Delta Park.

I’ve known Sharon for many years through blogging and also Run Walk for Life, so it was so fantastic to get to take photos of her family. Our mutual friend Samantha gifted her the shoot, isn’t that cool?!

The idea was a cosmos shoot.

Thankfully we booked the photoshoot for this weekend because as you know, outdoor shoots are at the mercy of nature. The cosmos fields are really not as flowery as they were last year. It was such a short season, but there was enough to make the shoot work.

And then there was the weather. Holy moly, mother nature knew how to stress me out. I knew that we couldn’t postpone because the flowers are about to disappear. The morning of the shoot was absolutely freezing and so very grey! I was just hoping it wouldn’t rain. It was even cold on my way to the shoot.

Thankfully the sky cleared just before the shoot and it started warming up during our photo session. It actually got pretty hot! I’m just thankful it didn’t rain!

I absolutely loved Sharon’s family’s outfits. The colour choices were absolutely perfect for the flowers, and I LOVED the skirt. The whole thing worked so well in the pink and white cosmos.