When Carla contacted me about doing family photos at Delta Park in March I just knew I’d enjoy the session.

Delta Park really shows off at this time of the year with the fields full of cosmos flowers! The flowers were magnificent this morning in the bright sunlight.

We had originally booked the shoot for Saturday afternoon, but it was so rainy and gloomy that we postponed. I must say that I was really worried about this shoot too when I woke up in the middle of the night. The rain just didn’t seem to stop! We had massive storms all night, but thankfully by the time we met at 8am the sun was shining.

What you can’t see in the photos is how wet and muddy our feet and legs were getting. The best spots at Delta Park are found down small narrow paths surrounded by long grass. 

As soon as I met Ruben he asked when he could climb the tree that they’d seen on my blog. You do have to think on your feet when taking photos of little kids and constantly re-evaluate plans you may have had. I was going to head to the other side of the park before knowing about the tree climbing. It worked out perfectly!

We found the trees, in fact 3 lots of trees they were able to climb. We walked through the clumps and fields of cosmos. We even managed to walk to my favourite lane of trees!

It was such a fun morning out and a big adventure for the boys!